English (United Kingdom)Deutsch (DE-CH-AT)Bosnia (BA)
Administrative Law and Administrative Disputes
Providing legal advice on administrative law, starting of administrative proceedings, representation of clients before the administrative authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Legal advice and representation on issues of citizenship: release / waiver of the citizenship of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the acquisition of citizenship of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the application entry in the registry of birth, dead and married in Bosnia and Herzegovina and providing certificates from the registry. Initiate an administrative proceeding for the purpose of obtaining: urbanistic approval, issuance of building permits, and legalization of illegally constructed buildings. Administrative procedures to achieve pensions: old age, disability and family pensions. In the above procedures we make and submit ordinary and extraordinary legal remedies. Conduct other types of administrative procedures at the request of and in consultation with a client.

At the request of the client initiate an administrative dispute against final administrative acts before the courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in this respect, we are submitting complaints and provide advocacy.